Monday, September 12, 2011

#458_30thJan11_CHEMISTRY #3

Spilt (1)
Spilt (2)
Spilt (3)
Pswd: 458
(Pls tag guestbook & quote title to inform when link is broken)

Part (1)
Part (2)

Pswd: 458

Overall this episode sounds quite fun as KinKi futari would interact with the guest. Highlight would be Koichi mentioning his interesting experience overseas.
Having to bath super fast because the blocked drainage in his hotel bathroom.
Tom-san said could it be Koichi took his own sweet time to bath which
cause the flood.Ended up Koichi was asked to demo how he fast did he bath as he personally mention that he did bath very quickly.
Not to miss Koichi super fast bathing action.

Last but not least 2 nice songs from our guest Chemistry
~Enjoy everyone~

Last update since long long time
Here to say thanks again for those who hasn't forgotten here
Sad to say there're lesser subber ard who could continue to subb SDK
But I would try my best to do it whenever I had the time
Once again, Arigatou minna-san \(^__^)/"

!! Please do not upload any subb videos to any streaming video site and hotlink sites !!


lodoss115 said...

You're my goddess and you've made my evening ^_^
Thanks a lot for your hard work, i was watching some old SDK subbed by you yesterday, it's always fun to watch (even, if for some episode, it must de 10th time i watched them :D )

waffo said...

I've just finished seeing the show, it's very fun to see how foreigner see your country (I'm french, and i'm not happy when people are an hour late !!! but it's true that 5 or 10 minutes are ok :) ).

Julia said...

Thanks a lot :) I could never forget this blog, appreciate your subs very much!

ryo said...

Thank you for the hard work~! ^^'

Anonymous said...

thank you very much. really really appreciate your hard work. glad to know you still have spirit to continue subbing. arigatou ne...

Anonymous said...

Thank you so~ much. This is such a fun episode. ^^;

Anonymous said...

yup. it's just so hard to find subbed sdk nowadays so thank you very much for this♥

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much :D

Miss1Potato said...

Fantastic subbing job! Really enjoy the show, thank you so much for putting time and love for KinKi into all your projects.

Like lodoss, I watch your subbed SDK more than once. Very excellent work, thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much <333 more subbed SDK is <333

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much♥
I'm so happy to still see someone subbing SDK♥
I love you :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you~!

Kristy_KxK said...

Oh hey! You're back !!! I miss your subs so much!! Thank You for subbing all the SDK episodes !! Glad you're back! *gives a big hug*

Anonymous said...

Thank you for subbing and sharing this!

Anonymous said...

looool I love chemistry they r so cool
thx for the sub ^^

Anonymous said...

thank you soooo much ! *big hug*

Anonymous said...

Thank you!

ume_boshi said...

thank you very very much for this!! what a treat to have a new sdk. i really appreciate your time and effort!!

lovely_lace said...

Thank you as always mimosa for subbing my fave show <3

About the lesser subber, actually me and my friends had collaborated subbing SDK recently. Unfortunately, as per now, we can't do subbing for a while due our busy school/university life. Hopefully, we'll be free by the end of this year.

So someone like you is really needed. Thank you for always subbing anything about Kinki Kids.

milya_neechan said...

Have I told you how much I missed you??? Thank you so much for sharing this! I've been stalking your journal several times just to check if you have new releases... and you just don't know how happy you have made me! Thank you again! *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

thank you for subbing & sharing..

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!

mystika387@livejournal said...

taking, thank you so much!! =D

Anonymous said...

I checked your blog and I had a really good surprise waiting for me ! Thanks a lot for subbing !!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see you back. Like you said, there are not many people who sub SDK so thank you so much for all your hard work!

Shinju said...

Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

thank u so much.. so excited :D

ANNA said...

you're back!!!!!
thank you so much for the goodies ^^

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the subs!

PS The old format is awesome... the new severely lacking!

Leisy said...

thank uuuu so much

Anonymous said...

sorry for rarely leave comment.
i just want to say i enjoy your works alot!
thank u so much :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for subbing & sharing!! :)

Bububoon said...

Excuse me, the MF Spilt (2) is broken. Can you reupload it, please?